How To Eat Like A Child – Friday

This musical romp through the joys and sorrows of being a child is hilarious. Children give twenty-three lessons in such subjects as how to beg for a dog, how to torture your sister, how to act after being sent to your room, and how to laugh hysterically. The pace is fast, the tone subversive, and the recognition instant.

How To Eat Like A Child is based on the Viking book of the same name by Delia Ephron. The musical version began its life as an NBC primetime special starring Dick Van Dyke. It was an immediate hit in schools, camps, and community centers everywhere and has enjoyed thousands of productions all over the US, Canada, and many other countries where kids smuggle their least favorite vegetables to the garbage instead of eating them.


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  • Date : February 9, 2024January 1, 1970
  • Time : 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (America/New_York)

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